

How Do Limited Company Directors Get Paid?

Most limited company directors get paid through a combination of salary and dividends. We discuss the two options and how to combine.

Self-assessment Tax Return for Triathlon Coaches

As a triathlon coach do you need to complete a self-assessment tax return? And if so, when do you need to complete one, and how?

Working from home expenses for sole traders

Sole traders working from home can claim working from home expenses through your self-assessment tax return. We discuss the options available and how much you can claim.

What Are Trivial Benefits?

Trivial benefits are small perks given to employees, such as gifts or after-work drinks, that are tax-free provided certain criteria are met.

Working From Home Expenses: Limited Company Directors

We discuss what working from home expenses you can claim as a limited company director and what the tax implications are.

Landlords: Income Tax When You Rent Out A Property

As a landlord, you're liable for income tax when you rent out a property. Read our handy guide to help you understand how it all works.

Do I Need A Bookkeeper Or Accountant?

Bookkeeper or accountant? They both work in the finance profession but do they do the same thing or are they different and who do you need?

When Is My Self-assessment Tax Return Due?

Knowing when your self-assessment tax return and tax payment is due is essential but can be confusing. All the info you need with examples.

What’s The £1,000 Tax-free Trading Allowance?

The £1,000 tax-free trading allowance for self-employed, casual workers and those with a hobby business provides tax relief to save you money.

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